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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  July 22, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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argument inless it's working. this s.this one working for barack obama? the closeness of the race might suggest it's not working but this is goinging to be in a handful of swing states. the white house believes in the south, ohio, pennsylvania among working-class voters, among people without a college degree, plant, factory workers that those tacks can be effective and that is why they're doubling down on them. some democratic believers don't like them. it's working with some voters obama is trying to reach. >> still even in polls. and what is striking is that mitt romney suffered, it hasn't heched the president. >> no. is it's a big drag, the fact the economy sempks. it's a problem and the concern
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is that boy, the economy is so bad. the stimulus didn't work. health care plan is unpopular. why doesn't romney have a big lead? the obama campaign is spending money on ads suggests to people maybe it's working. >> do you think it's work something. >> i think they're working and the you didn't build that issue allowed romney to go on the offensive. and the initially at least this romney campaign wanted to focus on the economy and the failings there. and is that a mistake? >> absolutely this, week they rolled on the contract you pointed ou. difference between obama's view, government-centric view of the world and they're free market vut of the world z they've done an he fekive job of seizing on this you didn't
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build it. they have been more wary to make that contrast. saying yeah, we believe in a free market but won't embrace bain or talk about off shoring i think there is a belief of fear maybe arguments about class warfare, top 1%, occupy wall street might resonate. they haven't done that. and they just keep getting hit on it. they're going to have to. >> what more can they say? >> the romney campaign? >> yes. >> you notice the president said i founld the company. they did outsourcing. bain invested in 350 companies and 80% grew revenues. and look on the investment side, analysis says romney was delivering gains of over 50% per year this, is one of the great performances in business history. mr. obama's friend warren buffet probably never had a run that good.
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and -- . >> let's take a look at one of the ads romney is running to fight back. >> where did the obama stimulus money go? friends, donors, campaign supporters? special interest groups? where did the obama money go? solyndra. $500 million taxpayer dollars, bankrupt. windmills from china electric cars from finland. 79% of the stimulus grants awarded went to overseas company. >> and i'm mitt romney, a prove this message. >> the message says obama is an outsourcer, too. is that an effective response? >> i think it is. i think romney is getting that message across in these swing states, florida, virginia, colorado polls show voters trust them more explaining why
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romney only wants to talk about the economy and why obama would rather talk about anything but the economy. a agree with kim. it's incredible he could have been caught on this issue. there is when he knew they're going to come from the obama campaign. he should have started what you just saw in that ad. >> and what about tax return issue? romney campaign released one year. and they say they're going to replace 2011 when those are done that. is an issue in primaries too. and democrats on pounding on that. is that a mistake? >> he's go would going to be perfect great to get it out there. this is raising questions and democrats are suggesting there is something shadier. it's hard to believe that.
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and there is this guy running for president for years. >> why isn't he releasing them? >> i think that goes back to what is said before. which is that there is a great reluctance in the romney campaign to talk about anything that has to do with his wealth or time at bain. there is a fear the message is resonating. they just don't want to have that discussion. but they're just going to keep getting hit on it, again and again. >> you guys any difference on the tax returns? should he get rid of them? >> and i'm not one to think 12 years is the right number. and he says look at the companies i've built. >> that is right. >> and should have gotten them out last year. when we come back, as mitt romney closes in our panel handicaps front runners for the job. and is it too soon to make his
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choice public? [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. ♪ something to me ♪ that nobody else could do ♪ something to me thank you, nana
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>> speculation about mitt romney's vp rick reporting the short list had gotten shorter and that an announcement was imminent. how soon is too soon to announce? we're back with jason riley, james freem onand kim straussel. and so, kim, quickly about this issue of when to announce the pick. is it safe to do it now? or wait for the convention? >> they're looking back at 2008 and the mccain decision to choose someone relatively unknown put them out of the convention, sara palin became sort of the subject of the
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media frenzy. and they're going to get news out. so they can have two guys focused on. >> so you think it's a good idea to get it out early? >> i think so. romney has wanted to make this about the economy. he doesn't want to throw someone out there and have the news media focused on this. >> and there is john mccain picking sara palin took a risk. you can decide whether that worked out. but now, mitt romney, mccain hoping for ron paul. and what does romney need to do? take a right after this snk. >> this is never going to happen again. and there is people were worried about... >> this should -- shu romney take the risk? or go with a safe pick? >> go with a safe pick no.
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question about it someone has been veted. >> yes. he is never going anyway to go do this other thing. it's impossible. he doesn't have none like that. and he's going to have a safe pick. it's his nature to have a safe pick. >> it's going to be a close race. and only have an upside. and i think someone like marco rubio did do that. >> and might help you with the demographic group like out west. >> he's -- that is going to help with latinos in western states? >> it could. it can't hurt. >> and is this -- he's young and untested. someone who is a safer pick, solid and experienced? >> probably thinking of tim pawlenty.
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former minnesota governor. he can go into the mid west and win over some voters. >> is working class roots? >> yes. whether he can move into vice president nominee, i'm not sure. but solid states he'll probably be your guy. >> there is a wonderful moment when, one minute after he lost the straw poll in iowa. overnight decided he's not up for this, he may have an excessive pessimism overnight. or may just take that advice. but... >> that is a judgment as a candidate. >> and this is -- i would say something about a guy put out there is rob portman of ohio. i'm not sure how safe of a pick that would be. i think there is a down side to portman. and there is a down side with
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condy rice that. is afillation with the bush administration n portman's case he not only gives an opening to say romney wants to take the country back in terms of policies but personnel. and also is bush's budget director, people porg forget the tea party sentiment started under bush. i'm not sure he's as safe a pick as people present. >> i agree they should steer clear of a bush association. let me ask you about another scene. going with this young reform generation either in states or congress. someone like paul ryan versus establishment. which way do you think it should turn on that question? >> there is a choice is that everyone saying can the vice president win a state? region? and that is the question
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facing come knee now is this is boing to split republican party since getting tossed out of congress in 2006. the old guys versus new, young generation dealing with the deficit, reform the tax cut, attacking entitlement problem. it's going to give them shine and reassure voters you've got big ideas and plans. those are guys like marco rubio or paul ryan, for instance. he needs some of that to rub off on him. >> dorjo think, paul ryan is a favorite among an awful a lot of people. he has a medicare proposal some people think is too risky. >> yes. on the bush side and there is he's willing to touch the third rail. on the other hand he's a rather younger version of romney. he's business like, he's in many ways strong and admirable. and youth may appeal.
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>> he can make the argument of substance. much better than mitt romney can. >> yes. yes. >> and that is where i think the romney campaign, if you're thinking just win, baby and i think you might want someone that can help make arguments. >> when we come back, a wealthy businessman targeted for donating to mitt romney. first singled out in the obama campaign web site then divorce records. but it doesn't end there. the update is next. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪
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introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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does president obama have an emmies list? in april a column suggesting that he does, targeting private citizens that donated to mitt romney can they have quote less than reputable records. kim noted they had been digging into divorce records of frank van dersloot. what is the latest? >> the latest is that mr. vandersloot. the president calls him out by name. we have this private investigator now, it turns out he's being audited not just by one agency, but two. they're being audited by irs for two years of tax returns and a couple weeks after gegt a letter informing of that,
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the department of labor saying he was also being audited there for some workers he hired from a ranch in idaho coming in on temporary visas from mexico they're looking into that aspect of his life as well. >> so i guess the question is mere coincidence they decided to investigate him at the same time? was someone giving orders? or just looking at the public records. do we know? >> no. we don't know. you don't go after private citizens for politics because what happens is that the president goes out and names him, as you said, then on, the public is full of doubt. is mr. vandersloot being targeted because he deserves to have taxes audited or because the president doesn't like him? or someone working in the
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administration decided to do the president a favor? or the president named the name to someone in the irs feels obligated to look into it? none are good ones. >> some of us have been audited and unpleasant experience, and when it comes to the labor department, you reported this week that there is only three employee who's might have to be investigated on his rampbl. >> that makes it feel fishy is that every year, tens of thousands of my grant workers come into the united states. he employs three. they worked on his ranch five years, two are brothers and so to shouldly put attention on this is unusual. >> why did the campaign signa signal -- single out these people? >> they're feeling a lot of heat right now. most of the people gave money
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to a romney supporting super pack. >> this is big donations but the obama campaign had a great deal of trouble raising sim already amounts of money. they know they're outmatched. so there is a goal to smear those donating to the romney super pack and embarrass it and make it look like it's ill legitimate. >> what does this tell you about the move through disclosure? this is huge to make these people a target. raises questions in my mind. >> this is frightening buzz because you wonder what democrats have been doing is going after organizations or individuals and everyone has
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to rethink disclosure. >> ve to take one more break. hits and misses of the week. [ man ] ever year, sophia and i use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way.
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time now for hit and misses of the week, kim, firks you. >> there is a miss of the great green fleet this, week began flying on bio fuel, chicken fat and algae. it turns out the cost of the bio fuels are $26 a gallon, six times of cost of regular fuel. the defense department facing crippling cuts and the idea the president is doing this, wasting tens of millions to make the navy a poster child for green ambitions is crazy. >> okay. >> this is a hit for gary
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johnson, libertarian party candidate for president. a former governor of new mexico. and akofrding to polls he's helping close the gap in new mexico. obama had a 14 point lead, now down to owe about five points and pollsters say because he's winning support from democratic leaning independents. >> and the tragedy at penn state we're learning a big part of the story is the president and university administration resisted had an oversight by the board this, is unfortunately a problem nationwide. it's amiss that is pushing for stronger boards for years. >> thank you so much that. is it for this week's edition of the journal editorial report. thanks for watching. we hope to.
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>> see you right here next week. on fox news watch. >> if you have a business, you've got it. >> president's words causing business owners to take issue with what he said. did the media take issue? or ignore the issue? >> it's kind of music releasing two years of records. >> the president threatening mitt romney to show what he made pushing for the g.o.p. contender to make tax returns public. and is it time for the political press to refocus? >> i can't guess to what motives are. >> george zimmerman giving fox news the exclusive and asking the rest of the press for an apology. a political reporter for "new york times" reveals a dirty
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little secret about how to get quotes from politicians. you tube. famous for off the wall videos now becoming a trusted source for news. and there is a trip back in time to the happiest place in earth. on the panel this week judy miller, and syndicated columnist al thomas and bill pinkerton ask ellen, bureau chief. and fox news watch is on right now. >> if you're successful, someone along the lines gave you some help. there is a great teacher somewhere in your life. someone helped to create this unbelievable american system we have that allows you


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